A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Haruka Togata is a young boy. Not just any ordinary young boy... He has a secret that he hides. He is severely depressed.

Inside of him lives his own personal demon, who seems to control his every move. One day, it becomes too much. It begins to start taking over. It tells him what to do. It forces him to go where it wants to go. It controls every word he says. He loses control of himself, after growing to be too anxious, and too depressed.

After intense therapy, and recovery, he learns to overcome his demon, and become rid of it once and for all, becoming a brand new person in the process

MAJOR WARNING: This game deals with heavy/serious subject matters, including, but not limited to:

-Poor Mental Health
-The fear of being unloved
-The fear of being unwanted
-The fear of being invasive
-The fear of being an asshole

Kaze (the voice at the beginning): Thomas Reiman (@memeist_boi) (subject to change)

Superintendent Ryo: Markus Rothenberg (@MarcusRVO)

(heavily inspired by https://ncase.itch.io/anxiety
Special shoutout to Nicky Case)

If you or a loved one is depressed, suicidal, or feels like shit, call 1-800-273-8255 before it's too late.

This game is, in no way, shape, or form, meant to glorify mental illness in any way. Any similarities to any real events, people, corporate names, entities, brands, etc. are entirely coincidental. Unless it's a cleverly subtle reference.


The Mental Torture Facility (Linux) 78 MB
The Mental Torture Facility (Mac) 76 MB
The Mental Torture Facility (Windows) 92 MB

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